Our time is characterized by stress, pressure and excessive demands. More and more people are therefore seeking help from professional therapists.
With the training to become a certified kinesiologist you will learn the right methods to accompany your clients in difficult life situations and in positive change processes. In our courses you will be equipped with professional „tools“, whereby the practical „work“ is in the foreground, i.e. balances, as they occur in the everyday life of a kinesiologist, are taught and practiced.
Your client will experience improved physical, mental and spiritual well-being, more calmness and composure, increased self-confidence and a more health-conscious attitude towards life.
The training to become a certified kinesiologist includes 20 weekend seminars (each Saturday/Sunday) as well as peer group and self-therapy hours. Only the complete participation in all training units is entitled to take the final exam.
authorization to take the final examination.
You will receive the basic diploma after passing the examination of your theoretical and practical knowledge or skills and it entitles you to use the title „Diplomierte/r Kinesiologe/in Team 13“ (DKT 13).
This also gives you the opportunity to apply for Level 3 membership (Professional Kinesiologist) with the Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology.
Hietzinger Hauptstr. 67 / Tür 1, 1130 Wien
Bürozeiten: Montag bis Freitag von 13-17 Uhr
Tel. /
Fax: 01 / 803 56 86