Responsible for the content:

Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology (ÖBK).
ZVR number: 986908743

The ÖBK is an association whose activities are not aimed at profit and aims to unite kinesiologists for education, training and continuing education, the protection and promotion of the interests of members and their representation to the public, in addition, the further research of the human being on the basis of kinesiology.

Postal address:
Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology (ÖBK).
Service point
c/o Pauline Helminger
Small Köstendorf 10/2
5203 Köstendorf

Austrian professional association for kinesiology
at the Raiffeisenbank Kleinmünchen Linz
account number: 332387, sort code 34226
IBAN: AT943422600000332387 BIC: RZOOAT2L226

webdesign: Renate Jantschitsch

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