Sports Kinesiology is a very young science and its success is probably also due to the fact that new possibilities are being sought to improve performance in sports in a natural way.
The field of Sports Kinesiology contains knowledge from different kinesiological directions, with basics from Touch for Health, from Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym®). and Hyperton X. The basis is supplemented by developmental kinesiology and by appropriate training methods for which knowledge from training theory and sports psychology is required.
The application in sports aims at opening up the athlete’s potentials and giving her/him access to her/his reserves, which cannot be reached with conventional training methods. This applies to the physical, energetic, nutritional, and mental areas.
Muscles, organs, sensory systems, and all their functions are inseparably interrelated with the biochemistry of the body, the energy flow in the acupuncture meridian system, and emotions.
Prerequisite for a training in Sports Kinesiology is Touch for Health-Instructor and a state examination in the field of sports (state instructor, trainer, sports science, etc.).
The founder and developer of the method is John V. Maguire, director of the “Kinesiology Institute of America”, a seminar and consulting company for therapists, trainers, and athletes who want to achieve extraordinary results in their health and fitness. The MAPS method, Maximum Athletic Performance System, resulted from this work. As a health and fitness consultant as well as a qualified masseur, Maguire has been working for 30 years with top Ironman triathletes, the Italian Olympic Committee, and with anyone who wants to feel good and make the most of their potential. A prerequisite for training in Sports Kinesiology is Touch for Health-Instructor and a state examination in the field of sports (state instructor, trainer, sports science, etc.).