In 2003, the TfH faculty members decided that the International Kinesiology College – IKC should be located in Australia from 2004. This decision was purposefully put into action. The IKC is now based in Nambour, Queensland as a non profit limited and with the new Touch for Health course system since February 2008 an RTO, i.e. a training organization registered by the Australian state.
The TfH- Faculty Austria is headed by Ortwin F. Niederhuber
Tel: 0664 46 34 353 –
In questions of the TFH – method your competent contact person.
15 training hours
15 training hours
15 training hours
15 training hours
The Touch for Health system also includes other courses:
16 training hours – 2 days
In „Practical working with Touch for Health“ the contents of TfH I – IV are to be deepened and the practical handling of the instruments is to be trained.
Course duration: 2 days (16 hours)
32 training hours – 4 days
Contents: To deal intensively with TfH for four days increases the security in the daily practice. Among other things, participants perform a complete balance with clients they do not know.
Authorization (certificate of competence) for participants: Conducting TfH balances in individual sessions.
The current training dates for the respective method you are looking for can be found under the menu item DATES.
Under „Suche nach Terminen für Ausbildungen“ (Search for training dates)“ you can search specifically for method, course, organizer or venue.
Descriptions only available in German.