Touch for Health (TfH)
Kinesiology of Health

Method & History

Touch for Health incorporates elements from chiropractic, kinesiology, acupressure, and nutritional science. Touch for Health can be used privately and professionally, in wellness, sports, and therapy – in other words, in every area of life. Through various muscle tests, we receive a meaningful picture of the current state of our meridians and thus of our energy system. The Chinese health teachings form an important frame of reference for recognising imbalances. The muscle test gives us information about how and with which method these imbalances can be balanced. Touch for Health is taught in four two-day courses that build on each other.

Completion of these four basic courses – assuming appropriate practice – enables participants to work professionally with clients. If a teacher’s licence is also desired, an exam must be taken with an instructor-trainer, and a training workshop must be completed. Afterwards, one can apply for the teaching licence as a Registered Touch for Health Instructor at the International Kinesiology College (IKC). Each seminar concludes with an internationally recognised certificate from the IKC.




Origin of the method

Touch for Health was founded by Dr. John F. Thie (here with our member Rudolf Übel). While kinesiology used to be reserved for doctors and chiropractors, John F. Thie, a student of Dr. Goodheart, wanted to develop a method that was useful for the general public, so that people could help each other in a natural way.

Contributions to Touch for Health

[Photo caption:] John F. Thie 1995 with ÖBK member Rudolf Übel