OEBK - Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology


Training Neuroenergetic Kinesiology (NK)
According to Hugo Tobar

Course prerequisites

A prerequisite for the basic courses (Brain Formatting, 5 Elements) is the performance of muscle tests, which can be acquired for example in Principles of Kinesiology according to Hugo Tobar or Touch for Health courses.

For all further courses the handling of formats is a basis, which can be learned e.g. in „Brain Formatting“.

A current and detailed description of the course contents in Austria can be found here.

Method Representative

Alexandra Tobar – NK Institute Austria

After graduating from the University of Salzburg with a degree in Psychology, she completed various training courses with leading kinesiologists such as Dr. Charles Krebs and Hugo Tobar; among others in the field of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology.

Currently she works as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist at the Salzkammergut-Klinikum Vöcklabruck (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine) and independently as a kinesiologist and psychotherapist in her practice in Salzburg.

With her teaching activities for the NK Institute she actively promotes professional education and training in the field of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology.

Training Dates

The current training dates for the respective method you are looking for can be found under the menu item DATES.

Under Suche nach Terminen für Ausbildungen“ (Search for training dates)“ you can search specifically for method, course, organizer or venue.

Descriptions only available in German.