IMPULS - The professional magazine of the ÖBK for kinesiology

IMPULS is the magazine of our association and besides the homepage our most important medium to present kinesiology and our work to a large public.

The magazine enjoys more and more popularity, which is also shown by the increasing number of subscribers.

As a member (Level 3, Level 2) you have the possibility to publish professional articles and kinesiology-related articles, but also to advertise at discounted rates.

For the optimal realization of your texts and circuits the following points are to be considered:

IMPULS supscription

Non-members can order an impulse subscription. Further information is available on the homepage or from the ÖBK office. Booklets can also be made available to non-members if this is of benefit to the ÖBK and its members: e.g. for display at trade fairs or in doctors' practices, at therapists, organic markets, ...

Specimen copies/subscription/newspapers:

As a member of the ÖBK, you will automatically receive the latest issue of IMPULS by mail. For this reason, please make sure that you inform us of any changes of address in good time:

As a member, you are welcome to receive additional copies while stocks last. In this case, the shipping costs are at your expense and we also appreciate donations for the production of the magazine. Please contact the office.

This will be announced in the IMPULS (imprint and/or table of contents), in the newsletter and on the ÖBK homepage. Texts and circuits submitted later cannot be accepted. The magazine is currently published twice a year. For the fall issue the editorial deadline is usually June 30 and for the spring issue November 30.

The date of submission of the articles to the ÖBK does not allow any conclusion as to the publication date of the article. The order of the articles in the newspaper is based on content criteria and space considerations of the respective issue. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the article will be published in the next issue, and it is always advisable to discuss your desired article in advance with the IMPULS editorial office, which in turn must follow the instructions of the Board of Directors.

In order to be able to cover the costs of newspaper production, non-members are asked to book an insertion of at least ¼ page to the text. In this case, the text of the article would have to be rather general.

Exception: If the editorial office approaches an author to obtain a special technical article (e.g. from the medical field), an insertion is not a prerequisite for the publication of this article.

Your course and event dates will only be published on the homepage. Therefore, please inform the office regularly about current dates. Course dates cannot be mentioned in the article unless the text is to be considered a PR article. PR texts are considered as an advertisement and are therefore subject to a fee. This fee depends on the size of the article.

Texts that are of interest to the general public will be published in the front section of the newspaper. Texts that represent your personal work or are of special interest to ÖBK members will be published on the „yellow pages“ under the heading „professional articles“. Also various information about news, changes, events of the ÖBK or their members will be printed on the „yellow pages“.

ÖBK assumes no liability for submitted articles, graphics and photos with regard to content and quality.

Texts can be sent to the editorial office in a Word or PDF format.

Please send them by e-mail to: impuls@kinesiologie-oebk.atDein. The text should already be ready for printing. This means that it has been read through and corrected by friends, acquaintances, etc. beforehand. The contributions will be checked by our editor, Bernhard Knaus, after the article has been set. However, it is not our task to rewrite texts because of spelling mistakes, content or style errors. Therefore, faulty texts can no longer be accepted. However, we take the liberty of shortening texts if this should be necessary for the layout. We also ask you to use proper citation, i.e. if you take text from other authors, please highlight it (quotation marks) and indicate the source.

We will add a box to the article you write, containing your photo with your name and contact information. The size of this box depends on the available space.

When you send us the manuscript (= hereinafter also technical article or work), you declare that you are the sole author of the work and that your work does not encroach on the rights of third parties. If you do not have the rights to illustrations yourself, you are obliged to procure the corresponding rights of use from the copyright holders. In all cases, you are obligated to provide exact source information in the work.

For an optimal print of photos and graphics a resolution of 300 dpi is necessary. Possible files are JPG, PhotoShop, PDF in maximum resolution.

Please send in time to the editorial office by e-mail:

Please do not send the photos in a Word document, because it reduces the quality.

As the author of the work/specialized article you grant the Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology the spatially unrestricted and for the duration of the legal copyright exclusive right of reproduction and distribution of the work, in particular for the magazine IMPULS as well as its electronic storage in a storage medium (in particular an online database) as well as the incorporeal transmission and reproduction on a screen (online use including intranet, extranet, internet), in particular on the website of the ÖBK.

You agree that the ÖBK may add illustrations to the work/article or edit it with necessary formatting. You are entitled to use the final formatted work including illustrations for your own exploitation purposes only under indication of the source (Impuls-Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Berufsverbandes für Kinesiologie / issue no.).

As a member of the ÖBK (Level 3) you get a 50% lower rate than non-members. The prices are ONLY valid for finished printable files and exclude VAT, because the association is exempt from VAT. Information about the current conditions and formats can be found on the ÖBK homepage. A corresponding information sheet can be requested from the office.

Non-members please contact our ad salesperson Ulrike Icha:, 0680 218 52 15

Please give the size of the desired circuit to the editorial office in time to reserve a place in the upcoming magazine. The circuit files must be sent as a print-ready document to the editorial office by e-mail before the editorial deadline: The following files are suitable for this: PDF in high resolution, PhotoShop and JPG with 300 dpi.

If an individual preparation of the advertisement is agreed with the editorial office, there will be additional costs of € 50/advertisement and other expenses (e.g. for the provision of photo rights).

Invoices will be sent by mail from the office with the publication of IMPULS and are to be paid immediately upon receipt.

The production of IMPULS is largely financed by advertising. Only in this way is it possible for us to realize a product of this quality. Therefore we are always grateful for new advertisers. If you place an ad at the conditions for non-members, you will receive 15% of the ad price as a thank you and as compensation for your efforts.

This list of members level 3 can only be kept up to date with your support. Exactly with this data you will be listed on the ÖBK homepage. Therefore we ask you to inform the office in time about any changes:

Here the variety of kinesiology and its methods shall be presented. For each mentioned method there is a short description and a note in the form of a sign, whether and to what extent this method is recognized by the ÖBK and the European Association for Kinesiology.

For each method, the course providers who are authorized to teach and who actually offer corresponding courses are named with the following data: Postal code, place, name and surname, homepage.

Course and event dates are listed on the ÖBK homepage, if you have given us the dates. Thus, the offer is always up to date and interested parties can easily get current information.

L3 members with photo, first and last name, postal code, city, street, tel. no., e-mail address, homepage address.

L2 members with first and last name, postal code, city, tel. no.

L1 members and supporting members with first and last name, postal code, city.

All new members are asked to check the entry of their data in the ÖBK homepage, because these data are also used for the naming in the IMPULS.

The ÖBK has made an agreement with some companies. These are supporting members themselves and grant special conditions to the members of the ÖBK. Our partners are listed in the IMPULS on the „ÖBK Partner Page“ and also on the homepage.

In case of non-payment of the sponsorship fee, the contact details of these companies will be deleted from the „Partner Page“ immediately.How the contact details of these companies are published on the „Partner Page“ in the IMPULS depends on the space available. Therefore, the editors have the right to change the nominations graphically.

„Permanent“ partners, who are willing to give special conditions to ÖBK members, can also be named as partners on request.

Donation appeals are handled like circuits and are subject to current circuit rates and conditions.

Unless expressly stated, no content of this website may be commercially used, copied, reproduced, distributed, published, modified, made publicly available, broadcast or otherwise transmitted without the prior express permission of ÖBK or the respective author of the published IMPULS professional article.

When using the website, you are authorized, to the extent permitted by law, to display, download, store or print the contents of this website, if and to the extent that the contents are not modified and all proprietary, copyright and similar notices are retained unchanged.

For further questions and information about IMPULS – the magazine of the ÖBK please contact Ulrike Icha directly, to whom we owe the design of the magazine:, 0680 218 52 15.