Training SIPS

Training content

SIPS now includes 9 modules that build on each other. With SIPS different levels are specifically addressed: the physical, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual, the etheric,… practically all levels of our energy field.

The theory of „body electronics“ and stress indicator points

– the matrix of the body energy system
– the cell as a resonant circuit
– identifying the resistance level and gently releasing resistance through specific resistance points
– balancing all muscle imbalances through the main muscle stress indicator point –
– the consistent release of emotional stress, stress in the nervous system, stress in tendons, ligaments, lymphatic and vascular systems
– free moving joints.

Dynamic balances for whole muscle groups and non

-testable muscles
– test and balance the main brain integration pathways
– deep forms of switching identified and resolved. Resistance level 2, the emotional level
– the circular model of emotions by Robert Plutchik.


LEAP method representation

The method representation for LEAP is from now on in the proven hands of
Andrea Hahn – Tel: 0732 777 .
She is your competent contact person for all questions regarding the LEAP method.

Training Dates

The current training dates for the respective method you are looking for can be found under the menu item DATES.

Under Suche nach Terminen für Ausbildungen“ (Search for training dates)“ you can search specifically for method, course, organizer or venue.

Descriptions only available in German.