Breuss Energy Balancing

Method & History

The Breuß method according to Rudolf Breuß is a painless spinal balancing along the bladder meridian.

The Vorarlberg naturopath Rudolf Breuß (Bludenz) is known to many through the „Breuß cure“, a juice and fasting cure with vegetable juices and herbal teas. But he also developed a special form of energy for the intervertebral discs and the entire WS. Unfortunately, his advice for the spine and its gentle balancing became known to a wider circle only after his death.

In practice, the combination of the „Breuß method„, the „Dorn method“ and the kinesiological possibilities from sports kinesiology has proven to be very effective.

For us, this Breuß balance forms a cornerstone of holistic work with the spine.

The „Breuß Method“ is very relaxing and is performed in an atmosphere of calm and harmony. Concentration and calmness are very important.

Origin of the method

Contributions to Breuss-Energy Balancing