Diploma Kinesiology of the Vienna School
Mag. Sabine Seiter

The Diploma Course Kinesiology

For the acquisition of the diploma in our training, in addition to the attendance of the modules, the completion of teaching balances with kinesiologists recognized by the Vienna School, peer groups and corresponding protocols, recorded given consultations, independent study of literature and attendance of the final seminar to prove competence are required.

Upon successful completion, you will be competent to provide one-on-one kinesiologic counseling to clients, which is a holistic, complementary approach to traditional medicine and other forms of therapy. As a graduate, you can become self-employed as a kinesiologist by registering the business of energetics. You can also use it to expand your existing repertoire in addition to your work as a therapist, trainer, coach, consultant, teacher, masseur or similar profession in the field of health and counseling. The diploma of the Vienna School is 100% recognized by the Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology.

Prerequisites for participation are a completed school education. The willingness to self-experience as well as to reflect on one’s own processes is essential. Also an open, humanistic as well as holistically oriented world view, which recognizes life as a process accompanied by constant learning, growth and change.

The training takes place in 3 sections, includes a total of 11 seminars and can be completed within one year. Your personal growth during the training is important to us, which is why we respond as much as possible to individual developments and group dynamic processes, so that your potential and creativity for the kinesiological practice can develop in the best possible way.

The training to become a certified kinesiologist includes 20 weekend seminars (each Saturday/Sunday) as well as peer group and self-therapy hours. Only the complete participation in all training units is entitled to take the final exam.
authorization to take the final examination.

You will receive the basic diploma after passing the examination of your theoretical and practical knowledge or skills and it entitles you to use the title „Diplomierte/r Kinesiologe/in Team 13“ (DKT 13).

This also gives you the opportunity to apply for Level 3 membership (Professional Kinesiologist) with the Austrian Professional Association for Kinesiology.

Vienna school
for Kinesiology

+43 (0) 676 507 37 70 info@kinesiologieschule.at Location: Sampogasse 1, A-1140 Wien

The path to the final diploma

Aufteilung Kinesiologie Ausbildung

Attendance at training seminars:

  1. Touch for Health I – IV & Supervision (10 days/ 80 hours/ 105 UE)
  2. Brain Gym® 1 – 2 & Deepening (6 days/ 48 hours/ 63 TU)
  3. Hyperton-X Basis & Diploma (6 days/ 48 hours/ 63 units)

Peer groups & protocols incl. feedback:

min. 4x of 4 hours each in the course of the training – everyone gets and gives a balance

Individual self-experience:

Completion of balances with a kinesiologist recognized by the Vienna School: min. 2 sessions of 90 minutes each – confirmation of the kinesiologist.

Literature study:

Preparation of a short paper on a topic agreed upon with the course director.
Presentation in the final seminar & summary for colleagues – 1 A4 page

Written final paper

Reflection on your own development from the beginning to the end of the course
of the training and description of the strongest experiences.
Experiences in balances received and given and personal highlights.
Written presentation of a focal balance to be presented at the final seminar. Approximately 20 pages in length.

Origin of the method

Contributions to Diploma Kinesiology Team 13